Tuesday, April 16, 2013

This Week's Story Start

I like this story start enough to keep it going for another week. Read below in the comments section to see how it unfolds.  :)


I was born right in the middle of a candy shop. Mama said the first thing I probably saw as I came out was the toy train rattling down its track through the store.


  1. That's because, as the story goes, she was busy dusting the miniature village which surrounded the track when her water broke.

  2. I made quite a sensation just being born. I must never have gotten over it.

    "You're a natural at performing," people always tell me. It makes that warm feeling I always get from being in front of an audience fill up my chest and glow out my eyes and shine through the tiny cracks in between my teeth.

  3. And then I hear a "choo-choo" wailing from the back of my memory somewhere. That doesn't give me as warm a feeling. More like flashes of hot/cold, hot/cold.

    1. The "choo-choo" brings me back to where I am right now. I hear one off in the distance.

  4. So what happened? How did I get here? How did I go from being born in the middle of a candy shop to standing in the middle of a desert, with very little water left for my survival?

    1. There is no one to perform to out here, unless you count the cacti. I think back to this morning in my bathroom. I smile at the memory and wince at my cracked lips. I did mention I'm a natural born performer didn't I?

  5. This means I'm performing all the time, even when I'm alone in front of the bathroom mirror. I line up the lavender and lime green soaps my mother never seems to run out of next to the toothbrushes and dental floss. They are my audience.

    1. If I hadn't been so desperate for an audience I wouldn't have been tricked into getting stranded here in the desert. I am in serious trouble. Survival skills aren't high on my list of accomplishments.

  6. Where are the toothbrushes and dental floss when I need them?

  7. I trudged toward the road. Maybe I could hitch a ride with someone back to town. Mama always told me not to get in the car with strangers. Well Mama wasn't stranded here waiting for a heat stroke.


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