Monday, April 8, 2013

Story start for the week...

Echo's Curse Rewritten:

Many of you have probably heard the legend of me, Echo. How I was in love with that jerk, Narcissus. And how I was cursed by Hera to repeat back whatever anyone else says. Well like all myths there is only a small grain of truth to the story. I was never in love with Narcissus. How can you love someone who is in love with himself? The curse part is partly true, but it didn't happen quite the way you've been told, and I found a way to break it.


  1. But I need your help. Can you please find me the hair of a unicorn and a mushroom that has red spots on the top and green stripes on the bottom? That's all I need, and if you can do that for me, I've got connections. Someone can help you out with some wish or something. Okay? Let me know!

    1. Oh, and while you're out there watch out for strangers who offer you a favor in exchange for something. It might be a goddess or god in disguise. They can be very tricky to barter with.


Fast-Paced Romantasy Based on Chinese Mythology

  Image copied from NetGalley The Scorpion and the Night Blossom   very much reminded me of an epic fantasy version of   The Hunger Games   ...