Saturday, June 24, 2017

In Honor of National Flash Fiction Day Help Continue the Story

After a couple of years of not posting to my blog on a regular basis I am back! Now that I've graduated with my MFA in Creative Writing from Spalding University I have a little more time to post entries for anyone who enjoyed following my blog before and for anyone who'd like to follow it now.

Today in honor of National Flash Fiction Day I'd like have any writer friends out there who feel moved to do so to help continue the thread to the story start I've posted below. There will be no monetary gain for doing this. It is all in fun. To continue the thread just add to the story in the comments section of this post. I'm also taking suggestions for story titles, as well. Next Saturday I will weave all the threads together into a post that will comprise our flash fiction masterpiece, and will list all the writers' names as co-authors to the piece in the post. So you will get bragging rights for the piece and the joy of seeing all of our words combined. If you choose to you can count it as a publication credit as a co-author, though I do not guarantee the quality of the work or that I have a enough blog followers to impress anyone with our co-authored piece. So help me continue the story and join in the fun to see where the threads take us.

Story Start: Ariadne followed the tug of intuition that led her down the narrow, cobbled alley. She stopped outside the dingy window of a coffee shop that also sold books. This was her only lead. Taking a deep breath she reached for the brass doorknob and stepped inside.

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