Tuesday, June 17, 2014

I Challenge You to....Update

Finish this sentence below and help create a story arc. You can leave just one word or as many as you would like to finish the thought and carry on the tale in the comments section below. The only thing I request is that you keep it clean as kids do occasionally read my blog posts. Next week I will post the results of everyone's additions in a post and give author credit to everyone who participates. But for now I must run, I have kids to feed and a three year old to keep up with. Enjoy!

Sentence courtesy of my son:

It happened just before...

Here are the results of last week's challenge. I had three contributors participate so credits go to Margo Dill, Jocelyn Kasper, and an Anonymous person, whom I suspect was my daughter Abby Schwarz.

It happened just before the total eclipse of the moon. My insides turned upside down--just as the ground started to quake!

Quite an exciting start to a story. Just two sentences and already a lot has happened. Feel free to add to the story to help us figure out what may happen next. I will continue to add credits for as long as any of you want to continue the thread. And thanks again to those who contributed over the course of the week.


Fast-Paced Romantasy Based on Chinese Mythology

  Image copied from NetGalley The Scorpion and the Night Blossom   very much reminded me of an epic fantasy version of   The Hunger Games   ...