Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Playing Around

Oy vey it has been a long day today. My husband had to go in for a colonoscopy this morning. So instead of doing my morning cardio like usual and then settling in to blog, I was eating breakfast and going to the hospital. Heh! Fortunately, my hubby came away with a clean bill of health, so we won't have to worry about that again for another ten years. Phew. The prep for something like that is worse than the actual procedure. I've never felt so guilty eating at regular intervals before in my life. He had to be on a liquid diet for the most part yesterday. Anyhoo, rather than writing an actual post today I thought I'd play around with uploading a video on my blog.

So here goes and hope this works. The following video for your viewing pleasure is me and my daughter's first collaborative effort at making a funny short video clip. I came up with the idea and Abby ran with it and did most of the script and recording. This was the fourth or fifth run we made. You can't hear what I say at the end, but I'm calling out "Who wants ice cream?" I was accused of hovering too much in the videographer's line of sight while filming and distracting her. So, I said my line, which I wrote myself out of this whole piece, from farther away and it isn't clearly heard. I really hope this works because we both thought our idea was funny and we hope you do as well. :P


  1. I love it! Your daughter is so cute. And I think you have a budding actress and writer on your hands. The ending caught me by surprise--I was waiting to see what she was going to do when you said, "Who wants ice cream?" Thanks for sharing. Are you going to have to open your own YouTube channel now?

  2. Gosh I hope not. :) I have enough to keep up with as it is. Glad you enjoyed it!


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