Thursday, September 3, 2020

A tiny taste of my story.... Enjoy!

Excerpt from Dance of the Goblin

That night the music returned. It roused Caryn, who wasn’t sure if it was a dream. It seemed so real. This time the violin was joined in harmony with a woman’s voice. High and lilting, the woman sang of starlight and marble halls hidden from mortals. Her voice was fluid and in perfect pitch with the violin, but the inflection of her tone was pierced by sorrow. Unable to resist the lure of the music, Caryn left the house. A cool breeze pressed the thin fabric of her nightgown against her and tickled the ends of her hair across her shoulders and arms. At the edge of the trees she thought she glimpsed a woman’s figure moving ahead of her down the path leading into the woods. Following, she struggled to listen to the words of the song. Sometimes it seemed as if the woman was singing in another language. One she’d never heard before.

Entranced and consumed by curiosity, Caryn continued down the path. It was blanketed in mist. She barely noticed the cold, wet grass beneath her feet. The violin played, its sound reaching a feverish crescendo. Then it stopped. The woman paused for just a moment and Caryn remained near the edge of the trail.

In faith I followed him,

In sorrow he concealed you.

His deception born of kindness…

The words were spoken, not sung.

“Who are you?” Caryn called.

“Find me,” the woman answered. She moved around a bend in the trail.

The wind blew harder and the mist rose and curled as Caryn moved faster to catch up. She stumbled, stubbing her toe against a rock. Pain shot through her leg and she sat for a moment cradling her foot. The music and singing had stopped. When she was able to hobble around the bend the woman she’d seen on the path had vanished. The dull throbbing ache in her toe made her wonder if she’d been sleepwalking all along.

“Caryn!” another voice cried.

You can still read it here on Swoon Reads.

Monday, July 13, 2020

A Few Character Images for DANCE OF THE GOBLIN

When I was going through hundreds of images to come up with my cover design for my novel, I came across a few images that really captured my attention in terms of how they compared to what I saw in my mind's eye for some of the characters. Unfortunately, I am still searching for a good image for Caryn or Ben. I think an image of Old Batty would have to rendered as a sketch by a true visual artist. I am not one of those people. I could post a picture of what my most accomplished drawing of a pixie looks like, but I don't want to scare anyone. I hope you enjoy these and for anyone who has a really good image of an old farmhouse with a wide front porch and white siding with shutters on the windows, don't hesitate to share them with me. That is how I picture Caryn's house in my mind. But the image of this porch below could fit I suppose. Enjoy!

How I pictured Bear
Photo by Shane Kell on Pexels site

Possibly Caryn from behind
Photo by Max Lakutin on Unsplash site

Front porch to Caryn's house
Photo by Avi Werde on Unsplash site
Aside from the eye color
this is very much how I
envisioned Prudence


For anyone interested in checking out my contemporary young adult fantasy novel you can read it and rate it for free for another couple of months on Swoon Reads.
The Novel Where They All Live

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Stepping Into the Story Through Pictures

As I announced earlier this week, I recently uploaded a novel manuscript to the Swoon Reads site to be considered for publication. The creation of this story has taken years of writing and revising to get it to where it is today. But all along that journey images of where several of the events of the story took place stayed firmly in mind as I wrote, helping me to evoke that scene and setting. Like my main character I grew up in a very rural area on a small farm where the fields and pastures were often surrounded by woods and forests. Here are just a few images of the real places that inspired some of the scenes in my novel.
Fire pit near where Caryn wakes up the first time in the woods
Drive from Caryn's house leading out to the pastures and farm
The paths in the woods Caryn ventures down

Pasture gate near where the cattle carcasses are found

Monday, May 11, 2020

My Book is Available to Read on Swoon Reads

Exciting news! My latest young adult fantasy is available to read on Swoon Reads. If you would like to read the ebook copy just click the link below. Swoon Reads is free to subscribe to and has tons of great young adult content for readers. The more readers and ratings a novel manuscript gets the better chances it will be considered for publication by the editorial staff on Swoon Reads. I appreciate support from any of you who are interested in reading my work. Thank you!

Fast-Paced Romantasy Based on Chinese Mythology

  Image copied from NetGalley The Scorpion and the Night Blossom   very much reminded me of an epic fantasy version of   The Hunger Games   ...